Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda

By, Kevin Weston

Some time ago I was very curious about the recent news on Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda. So I checked in (because it has such a wide variety of videos) and I finally saw a CNN report of this man claiming that he was the second coming of Jesus Christ. I’m a doubter about the whole thing, because the Bible says in Acts 1:11, “‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” The Bible clearly says in Matthew 24:30 that Jesus will come back from heaven by a cloud and call his chosen people right away, so that they will not endure the sufferings of the last days.

Many cult believers might respond to me saying, “oh, but Jesus went to earth in flesh and will come back in flesh as a child and a new creature, because Jesus spoke in parables” Once again people misinterpret the timing and place when and where Jesus spoke a parable. Jesus spoke in parables to his disciples and along with all the other people (in the temples or outside the temples) who were curious what Jesus had to say; but when Jesus spoke to his disciples he didn’t want to hide the knowledge from them, he would say, “I tell you the truth…” In Matthew 24:35, Jesus explains the signs of the end of age to his disciples and he said in verse 2, “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” Throughout the whole chapter, Jesus spoke to his disciples not in parables; he made his message clear about the signs of the end of age by saying, “I tell you the truth…”

CNN video “Greater than Jesus”

FOX News

Pretty scary huh? This so called “Jesus” made me so mad! So in return, I’m going to lay out all his statements and respond to it.

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda said the following statements
• “I can’t die”
• “The true gospel is found in the letters of Paul”
• “I am Man Christ Jesus”
• “We don’t believe in sin, we don’t believe in the devil, we don’t believe in that such a place like hell”
• The commandments of God are, “Only good for the society but not for the kingdom of God”
• “He said, ‘I will appear for the second time without relationship to sin.’ I do greater things than Jesus of Nazareth.”
• When his followers get wild he said, “Sometimes it gets out of hand because of the other people….they get wild, not us.”

Now it’s my turn
• If Miranda can not die even if someone tried to kill him, why does he have nine bodyguards?
• Now he said the truth is found in the letters of Paul. So why does he cite other gospels, verses, and letters if according to him, these gospels are false? I will further explain in the other bullets.
• “I am Man Christ Jesus.” Well the real Jesus says in Matthew 24:23 “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.” Now, Miranda might say to me, “But those gospels are not true; only the letters of Paul.” Okay then, I will play by your rules.
• “We don’t believe in sin, we don’t believe in the devil, we don’t believe in that such a place like hell.” This is a very easy statement to tackle, and I will do it in Paul’s letters. 1. Sin - Galatians 5:16 “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” 2. Devil – Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s scheme.” 3. Hell – Honestly, there isn’t a verse that has the word “hell” in Paul’s letters, but if he believed in a devil, then he must have believed that the devil belongs in a place. Also, I will use Galatians 5:16 again, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious… I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” If these people do not live according to God’s rule, then where will they go?
• Now if the commandments of God are only good for the society, and not for the people of God, then why do Paul and every other apostles stress the issue to have faith and good deeds? Romans 6:13, “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.”
• “I will appear for the second time without relationship to sin. I do greater things than Jesus of Nazareth.” You are the second coming Christ? Give us a break! The scriptures say that he will come down from heaven. You are greater than Jesus? For it is written in John 13:16, “I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” Jesus never said he was greater than his Father, even when they were one in the same. Miranda said that he is greater than Jesus – this is not Christ-like. If Miranda had revelations from Jesus that he was unified with him, he wouldn’t say that he was greater than his master. Also, in Romans 5:6, Paul says, “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” My brothers and sisters in Christ, nothing is greater than the love and sacrifice that Jesus did for us upon that cross. For his blood brought light into our souls and thus we can be free and live joyfully in Christ Jesus.
• When his followers become violent, he said, “Sometimes it gets out of hand because of the other people….they get wild, not us.” No matter which side has the fault, true children of God will not persecute people in violent matters, or any other matter that will offend God.

“Destructive religious cults are about fear, about control, about deception, about manipulation, and about making the leader wealthy and not about serving the down toddle and the poor” says cult expert Steve Hassan. It is truly amazing how someone can proclaim themselves God or a prophet and gain so many follows in an instant. I take the example of the recent news, Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, because he has truly mastered the art of twisting scriptures so that the teachings he has proclaim to be true may blind many people in believing he is Jesus.

About 100,000 believers would just about give anything to this man; for example, businesses, all their earnings, their houses, and the most valuable of all - their heart, mind, and strength. They ask you to give up everything you cherish such as you’re family, and friends; because of this outcome families have divided amongst each other. There has been many testimonies of how wives have lost their husbands, husbands losing their wives, children going against their parents, and friendships being broken into pieces; it has damaged everyone who has been involved in these cults.

Instead of preaching love, cult groups preach separation amongst themselves and falsehood.

On Feb.18th Sunday morning, my brother in Christ Juan Carlos told me that Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda influenced the Growing in Grace congregation to get a tattoo - number of the beast “666.” I was shocked...

Miranda preaches that he is the Antichrist

CNN video "666"

The videos are self-explanatory, and may God have mercy on them. How far will one man go to deceive so many people?

You see, many cult groups claim to have the absolute truth. The biggest mistake that anyone can do is to accept what they say and not researching or questioning these cult groups or any other faith before accepting the faith as “truth”. The world continues to fall into scams; a constant repetition of different doctrines to allure believers and unbelievers to deception and leaving them disappointed in the end. The world will repeat this cycle if they lack the knowledge of scriptures and history. But one can avoid deception and falsehood if one stop and think about it – very simple. As the philosopher Socrates said, “the unexamined life in not worth living.” In better words for this subject matter, the unexamined history and scripture interpretations are not worth following.

Just to add, Romans 6:15 says, “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!”


Anonymous said...

preach brother Kevin and sister blanca I enjoyed your piece on Mr. Jose Luis Miranda I have one more verse that you can share with the believers, it's in Matthew 24:5" for many will come in my name(Jesus) claiming, I am the christ and will decieve many. Do not be decieve for like the lighting flashes from east to west so will be the return of the Son of man be, everyone will see. Be Blessed A. Fantauzzi

Blevin said...

:) thanks Albert! that was a great verse!! God bless you!!!

-kevin w.

Anonymous said...

wow kevin!
I'm so proud of you and i truly look up to you.
Your article was articulated very well and seems to be broad enough to be able to reach and minister to a wide range of people. I pray that many are blessed by what you wrote :)
God bless you so much!
Give Blance my love!

Anonymous said...

WOW LOve you did a great job I am glad that you wrote about this topic you have said it all GOD Bless you!!!!!and we will keep praying for all those people who belive in such liers. The Father The Son and the Holy Spirit are the only true Leaders No one else is allowed to be part of them because then it wouldnt be a trinity!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen Kevin! I really enjoy reading your information and agree with you 100%. I like when you stated that if he cant die , why does he have so many bodyguards, that is so true! I also think that if when the people say "this is heaven on earth" why then are there so much violence increasing everywhere. He claims he is the christ in human form but yet doesnt do nothing about the poor, about the violence, about all of that. Things that Jesus would care to do if he was here in human form. He is wealthy but the true treasures are in heaven the bible says. All the materialistic thing we have now will not go with us when Jesus comes back. It will stay here on earth. Anyways awesome job kevin!

Anonymous said...

It was victor c. by the way who sent you that last comment. ...."Amen kevin, i really enjoy reading your...."
God Bless

Forever Love(Guitar)-X Japan