Monday, March 26, 2007

President Guided by a Higher Power?

By, Kevin Weston

I read a recent article on the Herald News about a nun named Julie Vieira; and she blogs daily about her beliefs, life, and politics (much like this blog but I don’t blog daily).

The Herald News asked her a question that I really thought was very powerful and I would like to share with you.

“Q: Is it difficult to write about the war in Iraq when you have a religious president who says he is guided by a higher power?

People have always used religion as a way to justify their action and to justify their vision. Personally, to me, it bothers me in the sense that it kind of gives God a bad name. For those of us that think war in Iraq isn’t a good thing, to somehow baptize it by saying it’s part of God’s plan, does not make me feel good…”

Watch the video
Bush Iraq 9/11 Lies

For my view on the president, it’s very hard for me to believe that Bush says to himself, “W.W.J.D.?” – its more like “W.W.G.W.B.D.?” Someone who is truly guided by the Holy Spirit would not lie to his people; only someone who is guided solely on politics would. The more time passes by our eyes, I think we can come to realize new meanings in what the Bible says; for this subject matter, Jesus said in Matthew 7:21, “Not Everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…”

I found the "W.W.G.W.B.D.?" picture in my professor's blog.


Anonymous said...

First of all, if may say being religious and being a follower of Jesus Christ are two very different things, I believe pres. Bush is sincere about his beliefs and faith in God, people like yoy have mentioned thru out history have said and tried to do things against other people in the name of their god. It's a shame that they have tried to pin their misguided thoughts and actions in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ as if God told them to engage in such things. Being president of our beloved United States is no easy task, many just love to jump on the "let's trash president Bush wagon because it's convenient. If you or I would have the privelage of being pres. would not we also invoke the name of our God to guide us through the difficult decisions it takes to run this great country of ours? I encourage you to read Psalms 18:32-36 God promises to give us strength to meet challenges but He didn't promise to eliminate them. Being a leader means sometimes being criticized, lonely and even some low points in their lives but we must learn to hold on to Gods unchanging hand. The book of Jeremiah sums it up best chapter 29:11. And last but not least we must "obey our leaders, and submit to them; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not grief, for this would be unprofitable for you" Hebrews 13:17. I understand first hand for I served as a soldier in the U.S.M.C. It's not easy for us to see the other side of the fence but God can. Be Blessed A. Fantauzzi

Blevin said...

brother Albert, i thank you for posting your belief in my blog. i really like that, i encourage anyone who agrees or disagrees with me, because i dont want it to be a one-minded blog. as long as the debates are in a peace and loving godly way, everything is cool with me.

about your response Albert, I understand how you feel. but I do have a reason why I don’t trust the president. i read something about bush in the skull and bones society in yale university. the rituals he took part in that society made me rethink his beliefs. He could have changed, or maybe not…

again, about the beliefs of the president, he has to be a protestant in order for him to gain support from the public. The majority of the united states citizens are protestant (even if they are not devoted protestants). So if you want to run for president, you gotta let everyone know that “God is on your side". the only president we had that was not protestant was JFK, and he was catholic. All im saying is that anyone could say and try to use God for their purpose

I also do recognize that being the president of the united states is no easy cupcake. that gives much more reason why a president should be aware of what he says and how he gets his information. Its not just any other job that someone could slack off and say, “oh I don’t feel like working today.” i had high respect for Bush, but his leadership is poor and needs questioning.

In Hebrews 13:17 Paul might have meant the high priest and the church.

In overall, you cant trust your government anymore. Ever since Watergate and maybe prior to that scandal, it help us to remember that the presidency, and the government isn’t held sacred anymore. People have misused and abused power and if we let that happen, it will continue to be that way and worse. We cant just let people in power do whatever they want, for God told us that many will misuse his name and say lies, like in Jeremiah 29:8. That’s why I dislike it when anyone just uses God to justify his/her actions. God is not a toy that could be played and tossed around.

God is a consuming fire, and when you play with fire, you will get burned :(

thanks again for your reaction. i truly respect what you had to say and i enjoyed readin it!God bless you Albert :)

glo said...

I believe that it's easy to say you are following a higher power when you really don't know where you're actually going. I do believe that President Bush knows of God, but I cannot say that I am confident that the decisions that are made by him and his administration are through the guidance from the Lord. I think that once you have been given authority, some people do not know how to deal with that, and make decisions that are deemed not too bright. For example, currently we have congress, which have more than 500 members who have voted to remove our troops from Iraq by March 08. Bush believes this is a terrible strategy....but how is it that congress and other generals who are active and high ranking officers all agree that the war is not focused on what it originally was?

I must say however, he has been very vocal in what he is against, such as abortion, gay marriage, etc...and yes, these do lead to a Christian perspective...But even though all seems to go wrong, God is the decider, and we must suffer, to complete that plan that God is leading us to.

God Bless you Kev!!

Keep it going!

Forever Love(Guitar)-X Japan